“We had ambitious goals, but no path to get us there before we met Randy and learned about this program. Remarkably, our agency grew 39% since joining. Our average account size grew from $2,500 to $17,000.
Today our closing ratio is over 80%. Our good prospects are being underserved by their agents and now that we have this system, we’re able to illustrate what they could be getting and we win.”
“We expected to go backwards last year because of the economy, instead we grew by 7%.
With Bignition, we have 24/7 access to training. The technology finally gives us an honest picture of where each producer is on any given prospect from intro to close. We have the tools to help our producers drill down on what makes us different from our competition.”
In commercial insurance, the only way to sell is by getting the competition fired. If you can’t get the competition fired, you can’t get hired. Bignition was developed to help you drive a Wedge © in between your client and the incumbent agent. That’s how your producers can stop quoting and start winning.